Metallographic Gift-Giving

It’s the holiday season and gift-giving is running rampant. What do you get for the metallurgist who has everything?

Microstructural analysis consumables.

LECO’s metallographic supplies catalog has been freshly updated and is now available online for easy perusing. Rather than circling gift ideas in a Sears catalog, the entire LECO inventory is available for digital discovery. From sectioning blades to hardness testers, every item is accompanied by a photo image and description for easy identification.

LECO consumables are all designed or sourced to be the highest quality for the instruments you use. You depend on LECO’s instruments to provide the results you need; depend on LECO’s consumables so you can continue analyzing your samples and getting results you can count on.

Don’t stress over what to get your favorite metallurgist this season; let LECO guide the way with our Metallographic Supplies Catalog!

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