Jaromír Hradecký, Ph.D.

Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences
Czech University of Life Sciences

I have been working with LECO instruments for approx. ten years. I worked with the PEGASUS® 4D, TruTOF, GC-HRT and, for few days in Berlin, with the Pegasus BT and BT 4D – I really enjoyed that. There are several reasons why I like working with the devices and why I would not consider using other GC-MS insturments.

  • LECO instruments are reliable and robust with well working peak find and mass spectral deconvolution algorithms.
  • In principle, LECO instruments are allowing both target and non target analysis which can be performed in one run, with nice sensitivity.
  • Data processing is easy and everything is done in one SW – no need to use complicated combinations of SWs.
  • LECO has an excellent customers support