Steely Solutions

Do you struggle with analyzing the quality and composition of your steel? How easily can you measure the surface hardness or fluctuating carbon concentrations? Are you confident with what your tools are telling you? Learn how LECO has been expanding what is possible when it comes to measuring steel with a free series of webinars.

LECO’s experts came together in this four-part series on the measurement of chemically and structurally transformed steel:

On October 7, Dave Coulston talked about the preparation and analysis of carburized steel: what it is, how it’s done, why it’s important, and how to prepare a carburized sample for microscopic analysis, in Metallographic Preparation and Analysis of Carburized Steel.

On October 14, Andrew Storey took carburized steel beyond a microscope with glow discharge spectrometry and hardness testing. Learn more in his presentation, Analysis of Carburized Steels by Glow Discharge Spectroscopy: Carbon in the Hardened Case and More.

On October 21, In Determination of Moisture in Welding Flux, Adam Darling looked at welding flux and the importance of determining moisture levels in the material to determine the quality of the final weld, in accordance to AWS method A4.4M:2001 (R2006).

On October 28, Dave Coulston wrapped up the series with a look at those welds and how a full metallographic exam is the most informative and thorough test for the quality and strength of a weld, in Basic Metallographic Analysis of Welds.

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