Quantitative Analysis of Polychlorinated Paraffins by Comprehensive GCxGC-HRTOFMS

In this application note, you will learn how the combination of GCxGC and HRTOFMS resulted in excellent quantitative PCP data. Household dust is a repository of hazardous compound accumulation and therefore an important indicator of chemical exposure. Humans are regularly exposed to a wide variety of harmful substances in dust such as pesticides, flame- retardants, […]

Smarter Savings: Fast GC-MS

Save costs by saving time and resources, not by dropping the quality of your results. Learn how the Pegasus BT is perfect for optimizing GC-MS analyses.

Designed for Speed: Fast GC

Even the best-trained experts can only move as fast as their equipment will allow. Learn how LECO’s Pegasus BT is designed for fast GC analyses.

MOSH/MOAH Analytics: e-FoodLab Interview with Dr. Susanne Kühn, Kirchhoff Institute

Have you seen the article in the latest eFoodLab issue about MOSH/MOAH analytics? In this interview Dr. Susanne Kühn from our customer Kirchhoff Institute describes how she uses LECO´s GCxGC-BT-TOF-MS for the characterization of the MOAH fraction. She describes why GCxGC enables a more detailed examination of the MOSH and MOAH fractions.  Interested?

A Final Farewell to Bob Warren

LECO is saddened to announce the passing of our former president, Robert J. Warren. Bob’s contributions to the advancement of science and laboratory equipment were immense, but his life was more than just LECO.

Thermogravimetric: Automated

The TGA801 is a robust, automated thermogravimetric analyzer for your loss-on-drying and -ignition needs. Learn more in the TGA801 product video.