ChromaTOF-GC is the legacy version of the LECO ChromaTOF® software, previously included with Pegasus® products. Used by industry leaders for over 15 years, ChromaTOF-GC supports GCxGC deconvolution, visualization, and reporting.<br /><br />
<li>True Signal Deconvolution, Automated Peak Find, and Extended Range Calibration algorithms</li>
<li>Enhanced graphics for GCxGC users, including the option of displaying peak labels and peak markers on contour and surface plots</li>
<li>Importable ready-to-use workspace templates for access to preferred user interfaces and reduced set-up times</li>
<li>Semi-Quantitative Analysis for the reporting of non-calibrated compounds</li>
<li>Automatic tuning within user-defined quality control methods</li>
<li>Integrated control of a variety of sample handling options from Gerstel, LEAP, Shimadzu, and Agilent</li>
<li>Fully-integrated optional environmental report designer</li>
<li>Customizable user interface</li>
<li>Automatically export data to PDF, CSV, ANDI MS, NETCDF, or Raw file formats</li>
<li>Compatibility with LECO's consumable-free GCxGC thermal modulator</li>
<li>Classification development tools</li>
<li>Capacity for files up to 4 GB and compatibility with Windows operating systems</li></ul><br /><br />
The LECO/Fiehn Metabolomics Library features over 1,100 spectra of 700 unique metabolomics for metabolite identification in your most complex samples. Fully integrated within <i>ChromaTOF</i>, the library works seamlessly with the software's Library Search function to automatically identify potential analyte matches without the need for importing or exporting data.<br /><br />
For current <i>ChromaTOF</i> updates, visit <a href="" title="LECO Software Website"></a>