LECO Interview with Sheffield Assay Office

LECO Interview with Sheffield Assay Office

Dr. Belen Morales, Head of Analytical Services talked with LECO about how the Sheffield Assay Office serves its customers, the technologies and types of analysis employed to meet the clients‘ requirements, the scope of treated sample range, and the role LECO is playing in this context. Belen has over 18 years of experience in testing […]

The Next Cornerstone

The Next Cornerstone

Cornerstone 3.1.0 is coming, and with it a fresh new look for the workhorses of your lab!

Quantitative Analysis of Polychlorinated Paraffins by Comprehensive GCxGC-HRTOFMS

Quantitative Analysis of Polychlorinated Paraffins by Comprehensive GCxGC-HRTOFMS

In this application note, you will learn how the combination of GCxGC and HRTOFMS resulted in excellent quantitative PCP data. Household dust is a repository of hazardous compound accumulation and therefore an important indicator of chemical exposure. Humans are regularly exposed to a wide variety of harmful substances in dust such as pesticides, flame- retardants, […]