MOSH/MOAH Analytics: e-FoodLab Interview with Dr. Susanne Kühn, Kirchhoff Institute

MOSH/MOAH Analytics: e-FoodLab Interview with Dr. Susanne Kühn, Kirchhoff Institute

Have you seen the article in the latest eFoodLab issue about MOSH/MOAH analytics? In this interview Dr. Susanne Kühn from our customer Kirchhoff Institute describes how she uses LECO´s GCxGC-BT-TOF-MS for the characterization of the MOAH fraction. She describes why GCxGC enables a more detailed examination of the MOSH and MOAH fractions.  Interested?

A Final Farewell to Bob Warren

A Final Farewell to Bob Warren

LECO is saddened to announce the passing of our former president, Robert J. Warren. Bob’s contributions to the advancement of science and laboratory equipment were immense, but his life was more than just LECO.

Protein Analysis – Dumas vs. Kjeldahl

Protein Analysis – Dumas vs. Kjeldahl

The protein content in food and feeds is one of the parameters that are commonly analysed within most routine control samples in a food laboratory. LECO’s FP828 and FP928 nitrogen determinators are both well-suited for rapid analysis.

Analýza potravin a mléčných produktů přístroji LECO

Analýza potravin a mléčných produktů přístroji LECO

Efektivní analýza mléčných produktů Analýza mléčných produktů je významná oblast přístrojového portfolia firmy LECO. Stanovení obsahu vlhkosti, popela či bílkovin přesně, rychle a spolehlivě v kapalných nebo pevných vzorcích. Mléko, smetana, sušené mléko, sýry – bez speciální úpravy vzorku s minimálními náklady na analýzu. Naše zaměření a výhody v této oblasti: Stanovení vlhkosti/obsahu vody a […]

Enhance Your Biomarker Discovery and Validation Using LECO GC-TOFMS

Enhance Your Biomarker Discovery and Validation Using LECO GC-TOFMS

GC-MS is widely viewed as the gold standard for biomarker discovery and identification in breath research. Multiple articles have been published utilising LECO GC-TOFMS and GC×GC-TOFMS showing typically: 4-8 times more identifiable features Vastly improved chromatographic resolution of coeluting peaks Enhanced detection limits for target biomarkers and non-target screening simultaneously Significantly increased identification confidence with efficient […]