LECO’s TGM800 Ensures Quality and Safety of Dairy Products

If you were asked to think about the most protein-rich foods, what would come to mind? Some kinds of meat, perhaps? Legumes, maybe? Undoubtedly, a few dairy products would probably cross your mind. Most dairy products are high in protein content, making them a popular choice among health-conscious consumers. With the number of health-conscious consumers on a steady incline, the dairy industry is set to continue to grow alongside the increase in demand.

Quality Control and Safety Testing

Certain dairy products, like yogurts and dairy beverages, are being enhanced with higher amounts of protein due to technological advancements in processing. Measuring and controlling quality parameters of the raw materials and end products is critical in these products. The total moisture and total solids measurements ensure product quality and safety as they affect texture, taste, and microbial stability. With these kinds of standards on the line, it is critical to properly test samples and be confident that you have accurate results. For this reason, we recommend a reliable LECO instrument for testing, the TGM800.

Automated System Efficiency

The TGM800 is an automated system that allows for up to 16 samples to be analyzed simultaneously, dramatically increasing efficiency when compared to the classic manual air-dry loss method. On top of that, the TGM800 features rapid temperature ramping and fast cooling post-analysis, which shortens the overall analysis time. But efficiency isn’t the only benefit to having an automated system.

Thermogravimetric Analyzer open showing samples carousel

Benefits of the TGM800

Accuracy and precision are enhanced when using an automated system because it minimizes human error associated with manual weighing, drying, and re-weighing steps. You also receive improved versatility, as the TGM800 is capable of analyzing various sample matrices, including food, feeds, and agricultural materials. Lastly, risks are significantly decreased as automated sampling reduces the need for operator intervention.

With all these added benefits and extra assurance of accuracy, the TGM800 is a worthy investment for high-throughput labs that take their products seriously.

If you want to learn more about how the TGM800 works with samples like milk and cheese, check out the application notes attached below. We also have an upcoming webinar that will cover moisture determination in dairy and liquid dairy products. Be sure to register today!