Here’s what happened on Day 3 of the GCxGC Symposium

Yet another successful day of presentations on Metabolomics and Breath Analysis… Turning Data into Information (thank you Heather)! Note that there are two interesting events on the horizon The Breath Biopsy Conference and the Multidimensional Workshop.

Jef Focant and PH Stefanuto tag-teamed the presentation on the bigger picture of breath sampling, appropriate study design, and GCxGC data analysis. We knew they were going to present on ChromaTOF Tile, but had no idea how focused it would be!

The presentation from Paulina Piotrowski was excellent, highly scientific, and there is truly magic in poop! Gut microbiome, cell cultures, and some more ChromaTOF Tile. You may sign up for NIST’s interlaboratory study here. We are talking about it since it is such a great way to showcase the power of our products.

Heather Bean gave an outstanding presentation on the volatile analysis of the headspace of in vitro cultures of P. aeruginosa. As she said, evaluate the structure of your data and don’t forget relative abundance (not just „there“ and „not there“).

And if you missed it, the reference referred during Dave Alonso’s talk on cannabis analysis is here, Chapter 6.

The identification theme is picked up today by our first speaker, but also in the second break between speakers… a demo of the LECO’s (patent pending) IGS software.


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