Řešení LECO pro Tepelná analýza
Designed for Tepelná analýza
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Zjistěte více o našich řešeních pro Tepelná analýza s naší knihovnou souvisejících poznámek k aplikacím.
Determination of Ash in Various Plastics and Plastic Blends
Determining the filler content of plastic is an important aspect of quality control monitoring. Ash is the inorganic remainder that is left after heating a polymer at high temperatures to remove the presence of water and organic matter. Therefore, the ash content of a plastic is reflective of the relative filler content in that plastic and can be used as a quality control parameter. The standard test method for ash content analysis is thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).
Determination of Ash in Polystyrene
Determination of Ash in Polystyrene
- Determination of Ash in Polyethylene
- Determination of Ash in Polypropylene
- Moisture, Volatile, Ash in Biomass and Plant Tissue using TGA801
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