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Zjistěte více o našich řešeních pro Deconvolution s naší knihovnou souvisejících poznámek k aplikacím.

203-821-611 Characterization of Citronella Essential Oil

Application Notes // Citronella Essential Oil Pegasus BT4D (-611)

203-821-597 Improved Characterization and Differentiation of Perfume Samples with GCxGC

Gas chromatography (GC) is an important tool to separate individual analytes in a complex sample. Coupling GC with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS) allows for identification and quantification of the separated analytes.

203-821-533 Comparison of Aroma and Flavor Profiles of Strawberry-Flavored Candy and Fresh Strawberries
203-821-523 Characterization of Fruit Tea Beverages with the Pegasus BT
203-821-653 Chardonnay Sample Sets ChromaTOF Sync
Browse 9 additional application notes for Deconvolution.

Novinky nebo příběhy

26 února 2018 LECO Unveils the New Pegasus BT 4D

The Pegasus BT 4D offers enhanced sensitivity by coupling our benchtop Pegasus BT with our high performance GCxGC thermal modulation system.

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